Village Art Recording



Welcome to my personal studio, Village Art Recording! It’s a 25’x15’ cabin in a quiet country neighborhood outside of Corpus Christi, TX. Here I spend a lot of time collaborating with other artists (remotely and in-person) as well as writing and recording my own music.

My primary instrument is the drums. I have a deep fascination with drum tones and shaping them to give each song a truly unique tonal palette. I especially love the sonic character of vintage drums and the warm complexities they bring. I try to capture that organic character with a nice selection of ribbon mics, condensers, and dynamics.

I’m a musician first, and an engineer second. So every track I send out of my studio will be clean, expressive and serving of the song to the highest level of my ability. Most of the time, that means simple and decisive with a subtle unique flavor... Sometimes, it means intricate and virtuosic. I’m happy to serve your music in whatever way I can! I’ve spent years as a band leader, sideman, and songwriter, so I bring perspective from all different corners of music making - at the end of the day, I just want to see a great song come out of our work together!


My style as a producer is in the organic folk singer-songwriter vein. Real instruments with expressive performances, delicate textures, carefully crafted harmonic voicings, lush ambience… If this sounds like the sonic goals you have with your music, let’s talk!

We can work on this production remotely or in person. You’re welcome to record your vocals and instrument tracks at home, send them to me and I’ll add everything else. My production rates include all instruments I need to play plus any editing and vocal tuning the song needs. At the end, you’ll have a beautiful clean song ready to send off to the mix engineer of your choice.

I can cover most of the sounds you probably need on your project, but if you need mixing, mastering, string arrangements, upright bass, artful electric guitar solos, pedal steel - I have lots of talented friends I can call.


Drum Track – $130 per song – I record drums on your song remotely or in person.

Hammered Dulcimer Track - $130 per song.

Production - $700 - Full Band arrangement. $450 - Sparse acoustic arrangement - This rate includes any instruments I need to record and all editing, vocal tuning etc. Other instruments I can play/record in production include: Acoustic Guitar, Grand Piano, Bass, Organ, Lap Steel, Mandolin, Electric Guitar, Baritone Electric, Banjo, Harmonium, Synth and Ambient pads from various sources.

Record by the Hour – $45 hr – Come capture your music at Village Art Recording with me engineering.

Editing – $45 hr – Vocal tuning, timing edits, audio track clean-up, etc…

Gear List:

Drum Kits
1950’s WFL New Yorker Kit - 22x12, 13x9, 16x16
Vintage Single Tension Kit - 24x12, 13x9, 16x15

Vintage Single Tension Bop Kit - 18x10, 12x6, 15x12

Orphan Bass Drums
1930’s Leedy Spartan 28x14 Single Tension

Snare Drums
3rd and 4th Drum Co Blass Brass 15x6.5
1959 Ludwig Auditorium 14x6.5

1950’s WFL 14x6.4 Pioneer
1950’s WFL 14x10
1970’s Ludwig 14x10 Jr Parade model
1963 Ludwig 14x10 Jr Parade Model
1980’s Ludwig Acrolite 14x5
1962 Ludwig Pioneer 14x5
1950’s WFL School Festival 15x8
1960’s Rogers Powertone 14x5

24” Heartbeat Jazz Medium Ride
24” Heartbeat 10 Ride
22” Heartbeat Jazz Ride (w/ 4 rivets)
22” Heartbeat Jazz Crash
22” Heartbeat Classic Light Ride (Modded by Mod Cymbals)
16” Heartbeat Jazz Hihats

Stringed Instruments
Masterworks Hammered Dulcimer 14/15
Gibson J45

Taylor 414 Acoustic Guitar
Takamine Acoustic Guitar – In Nashville high strung tuning
Takemine Pre Lawsuit Era - Martin D17 Copy

Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass
Fender Mandolin
Custom Hawaiian Ukelele
Rogue Lap Steel
Squier Jazz master Electric

Squier Jazzmaster baritone


M Audio Hammer 88 Midi Controller
Crumar mojo 61 (electric B3 organ)

Recording Gear
Interface – Universal Audio Apollo X8P
ADAT Expansion – Focusrite Scarlett Octpre (8 channels)


CAPI VP25 (6)
API Vision (UAD Unison Preamp Plugin)
Neve 1073 (UAD Unison Preamp Plugin)

UA 610-B (UAD Unison Preamp)] Plugin)

Stam Audio SA47 MK2 - (U47 Clone)

AEA R88 MK2 - stereo ribbon

Soyuz 023 Bomblet - FET condenser

Warm Audio WA47F (U47 FET Clone)

Bash Audio RM BIV 1 Ribbon (2)

ElectroVoice 635A

Golden Age Project R1 MK3 Active Ribbon

Miktek PM10 (2)

Shure SM57 (3)

SE Electronics SE5 (2)

Shure Beta 52

SE Elextronics 2200a

Logic Pro X 10 (Digital Audio Worskstation)
Universal Audio LUNA (Digital Audio Workstation)
Tons of industry standard plugins for compression, EQ, reverb, tape/tube saturation, console emulation, delay
Melodyne 5 Studio (Vocal Editing Software)
Finale 2014 (Music Notation)

Kris is a proud endorsing artist for Heartbeat Cymbals and the TNR Products True Vibe Iso-Mounts tom resonance system.