God the Giver


Verse 1:
To the Father of Lights
To the Maker and Lord
Giving every good and perfect gift
For now and evermore

Let the church rise and sing
Every nation and tongue
May we overflow with thankfulness
And joy for all He’s done

Raise one voice, all His people in His presence
Grateful hearts to the Father, Son and Spirit
For every blessing and our hope yet to be
Oh, give thanks to God the Giver
The Giver of all good things

Verse 2:
To the Light of the World
To the Lamb who was slain
To the Risen Lord who ransomed us
His church, His bride of grace

Let the children rejoice
For the kingdom has come
May we give as He has given us
With free and boundless love

Verse 3:
To the breath of the Lord
To the Spirit of truth
Giving wisdom, peace and comfort
In the days we labor through

Till we rise with the dawn
Of a new day in Christ
And the church sings on in endless song
To praise the Lord of Life

Written by Kris Redus and Steven Hansen



Lord of All Compassion (Psalm 9)


Jesus, By Your Spirit Come